Sunday, August 27, 2017

Precious Little Stones

Today was my birthday. After a nap, I read a quick little story called "Precious Stones".  In the story a professor at an American business school, pulled out a jar. In the jar he placed large stones, then small stones, then sand, then water.  The ultimate lesson that he to taught his students was that it is always important to schedule into our is life what's most important. I wondered, how often are we sidetracked by the small insignificant things in our life?  

At that point I, before I jumped on Facebook to check for, or post a status update and then subsequently, turn down an old friends request to play a new the Zynga game, Farmville, Farmtown, or whatever the game of the week. And see who'd given me a birthday shout out, we all love to see those on our "special" or "moment" or day that we choose to share to celebrate.

I then had a thought, how many times or of the actual moments are stealing away to share these moments on carious social media platforms. However, at the same time, we seem to never be able to fit in our schedule the Father and Daughter dance, or the Father and son camping trip.  Ask yourself.  What are my precious stones?  And how can I fit them in first. Because, as I begin this next year in my life, I'm going to ask myself. 


Ian and Allie. My precious little stones. 

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